Monday, April 14, 2014

The most exciting thing ever!

I am so excited. I passed through customs. I pulled out my American passport. I am sitting in front of a sign that says "New York". I had my last phone call on my Dominican phone with my good friend dishing about it all. I am about to be home, in America. Who would have thought I would be so excited to spend three weeks in America? I'm going to put away my computer now and pack up to sit on the airplane. Next time you hear from me I will be in America. I can't contain my excitement. See below for my excited face!


  1. Ur such a dork. Also I like the blue color scheme much better.

    1. Yeah. Also, the change is because this is a different blog. I took what you said into account and changed the mobile look on my other blog. I didn't like it either, but I thought it should match the web version... I was wrong.
